Cayman Wreck Story. Flying to Grand Cayman from Canada and the US sidebar #4


 Up in the Air about Wreck Diving off the Cayman Islands


How To Get There

Non Stop Service: Air Canada services the Caymans  from Toronto three times weekly in season, reduced service the rest of the year.  West Jet services the island three times weekly in season.

Other airlines:

Cayman Airways (Chicago / Dallas / Havana, Cuba / La Ceiba, Honduras / Kingston, Jamaica / Miami / Montego Bay, Jamaica / New York / Panama  | Tampa / Washington, DC / Cayman Brac)
United Airlines  (Houston / Newark)
Delta Airlines (Atlanta)
US Airways (Charlotte / Philadelphia)

Late breaking news

Just as Diver Magazine was going to press, Jet Blue Airlines announced that beginning in November it would be offering, three times weekly, service between Cayman Islands and New York and Boston.  Jet Blue is a favourite discount carrier for divers living in Ontario using the Buffalo NY and Detroit Mi airports.

Read the Diver Magazine feature by Stephen Weir, September 2012 cover story at:;postID=8728744913276254491



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