Diver Magazine at Volunteer Driven Festival - Shipwreck 2009


Diver Magazine at Volunteer Driven Festival
Welland, Ontario Shipwreck Symposium marks its 15th Year - Niagara Diver’s Association

For the third year in a row, Diver Magazine will be at the day long Shipwrecks Symposium in Welland, Ontario. The Magazine’s travel editor, Stephen Weir will be at the annual conference to meet subscribers and to take pictures of the popular dive conference for Diver.
The Niagara Divers' Association’s 15th Annual Shipwrecks Symposium, "Shipwrecks/2009" will be held Saturday, April 4th at Welland’s Centennial High School. This year the volunteer driven event features nine multimedia presentations given by both world-renowned wreck experts and local divers.
Jonathan Moore is one of the headline speakers. Moore is an underwater archaeologist with Parks Canada’s Underwater Archaeology Service. He will be showing never before seen pictures of the government protected wrecks of Lake Ontario’s Hamilton and Scourge (War of 1812 shipwrecks discovered in 1973).
Other speakers include Ms. Vlada Dekina (Shipwrecks of the Straits of Mackinac), David Trotter
(The Minnedosa), David Mekker (Wreck of the R.H. Rae) and authors Georgann & Mike Wachter (The Sinking of the Carol Sue II).
A ticket for the one-day symposium (lunch included) costs $43.00 ($36.50 US) and can be purchased at the door or ordered on-line at http://www.vaxxine.com/advtech/shipwrecks/sw2009/reg.htm
cutline: Jonathan Moore. WW2 Truk Lagoon airplane wreck taken by photographer/speaker Warren Lo


..WW.. said…
great info ...really


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