Sci-Fi Movie The Moon Would Have Been Put Into Orbit

. ... If the Litton Logo Police Were Still Patrolling Outer Space but say what you want it still looks like a man on a toilet Logo for Sci-Fi Movie The Moon I was never a card carrying member of the Logo Police when I worked at Litton Systems Canada Ltd and later at Litton Industries. Oh, I did a bit of sleuthing for the Force now and again, sniffing out internal fliers, memos and shower invitations that took liberties with the Li. But, when it came to taking on companies that monkeyed with our trademarked symbols, it was a crack team of lawyers and PR directors from both sides of the border who manned the walls firing off lawsuits and writs at anything that moved. Hollywood's man on toilet logo Pre-Internet, a logo, its pantone colours and its careful designed typeface were as much a part of the company treasures as the patents for everything from dithering mechanism in ring laser gyros to the secret recipe of the chicken pot pie sold by Stouffers ba...