The gallery with no air(s) and 24 minutes of viewing time

Art Exhibition on the sunken hull of the USS Mohawk - 30 miles into the Gulf from For Myers Fort Myers shipwreck Enjoy the 12 -work exhibitions but always mind the sharks By Stephen Weir From the Huffington Post It is an international happening -- an art show that will have you holding your breath -- but only for so long. People in-the-know and who have access to dive equipment, a big boat and the willingness to swim with big fishes, have been making underwater pilgrimages all summer to see the hidden work of Austrian artist Andreas Franke . Underwater closeup of hull art show Considered one of the 200 best photographers in the world, Franke has taken his art underwater in the new show: The Sinking World Of Andreas Franke - Mohawk Project – Life Above Refined Below ( This is the third time that he has put together a composite photography exhibition that can only be seen underwater. Underwa...