Update on the death of diver Judy Swann April 13, 2012

ONTARIO 2012: Fatalities - Summaries & Recommendations I am assisting the Ontario Underwater Council with the writing of fatality reports following the death of any scuba diver in provincial waters. I have posted an earlier version of the report - what follows is current as of April 29, 2012. The report was put together by: Stephen Weir Sport Safety Consultant Ayisha Hassanali Sport Safety Consultant Raimund Krob Sport Safety Advisor One can see a more complete version of this report at the Ontario Underwater Council's website http://www.underwatercouncil.com/?action=cms&cmspage=safety-scubaincidents&parent_cmspage1=safety Fatalities - Summaries and Recommendations are listed in chronological order. Date of Incident: 2012-04-13 Summary: Dive Site: On Friday, April 13 t...