

 Fantazia already dreaming about  making their Caribana costumes! costume launch 2013 by Parris Visuals You know that spring is right around the corner when Wiarton Willie doesn’t see his shadow, the kid’s snowman is now a puddle and Fantazia has posted posters for their Spring 2024 costume launch! The mas band is marking its 15th annual launch on April 14th this year at the Peter N Paul Banquet Hall in Scarborough (Milner Ave). And, while band leader Will Morton says it is a little early yet to let all the details of the coming fete, in a recent talk with the Caribbean Camera he let a few things slip out including the theme of the party. “We are coming a month earlier than last year,” said band co-leader Will Morton. “We hope to be bigger than in 2023. But don’t want to say too much right now about but as the picture on our website show, it is Uncut Gemz!” “We will be announcing our sections and the gemstones that they are (using for inspiration).” And yes, diamonds in the ...

When Sisters Speak

  The Spoken Words Of Dwayne Morgan Dwayne Morgan is a name that has been garnering attention recently. The Scarborough spoken word poet delivered a performance on the first day of Black History Month at the Power Plant art gallery at Harbourfront. Next month, he is set to present "When Sisters Speak" at the St Lawrence Centre as part of Black Mental Health Week. On January 1st of last month, to be precise, he received the Order of Ontario! Since 1993, Dwayne Morgan has been a prominent figure and an integral part of Canada's spoken word and live arts scene. Affectionately nicknamed 'The Godfather' of Canadian spoken word poetry, Morgan has been providing a platform for women of color to share their stories and experiences through spoken word poetry for the past 24 years. "When Sisters Speak" is the largest and longest-running spoken word showcase featuring Black women in North America. This year's event will be held on March 9 as part of Black Menta...

To Russia and other pictures and videos for Windsor U evaluation

 Support videos, you tube links and still photos  to back up my Windsor University Competency application - Stephen Weir producer, writer and key grip. Various TV shows and gallery mini-movies, and interviews with authors, artists and performers for our social media video site the Canadian Art Channel (100+) Russia Trip 2000 - TV special for Outdoor Life TV I was part of a TV expedition to travel from North America to Asia, on Sea Doos.  We were to be the first PWC (personal water craft) drivers to travel between the two continents. We took a chase boat and three Bombardier Sea Doos to Teller, Alaska and set off on the longest day of the year across the Bering Straits. Teller is Alaska's most northerly port and 1 degree south of the Arctic Circle. I assisted with the driving of one of the PWC, was a camera grip, mini-camera operator, the segment writer and assistant editor. We damaged one of the Sea Doos on pack ice and ended featuring only two watercraft in the 1-hr docu...

Aree Artists Centre played host to the standing room only show, aptly titled "Sensational Vistas,"

The Walls are Adorned with Art (and the food was pretty damn good too). In a vibrant celebration of cultural diversity, the Canadian Caribbean Community gathered last week at the Danforth art gallery for an art show opening that felt more like a lively fete than a traditional art exhibition. The Aree Artists Centre played host to the standing room only show, aptly titled "Sensational Vistas," featuring the photographic masterpieces of four seasoned artists. The gallery walls adorned with 24 captivating works, all but one available for purchase. Ian P. Grant, David Lewis, and Benjamin Alunyo Lis had their creations up for grabs, while Anthony Berot's images remained exclusively for admiration. The absence of one collective member, Peter Faure, hung heavily in the air, as the longtime artist had recently passed away. His daughter, Lisa Faure, paid homage to her late father by showcasing five of his pieces, with the crowd favoring his popular work, "PanPan is Desperado....

Sky High Footage and Alaska Adventure



EDGY PRODUCTION OF 'CARMEN" COMING TO TORONTO'S MERIDIAN HALL America meets Spain on the Canadian stage this evening American dancer Kayoko Everhart born in Tokyo to a Japanese mother and an African American father takes on the lead role in Spain's Compania Nacional de Danza's edgy production of "Carmen." This classic opera is set in Seville and explores, through dance, the consequences of jealousy and rage when the young gypsy Carmen refuses to be controlled by Don José. While Carmen represents freedom and independence, Don José symbolizes the struggle between his obsession for her and his duty as a soldier. The company performed last night in Toronto and apparently blew the lid off the staid Meridian Hall (St Lawrence Centre) will be performing again tonight (SATURDAY 3 FEB 24), and then they leave town. Will file a report after the show.  


Rashaan Rori Allwood and Kathryn Patricia Cobbler - three city tour in February KATHRYN PATRICIA COBBLER In a celebration of Black History Month, two exceptional Canadian musicians of Caribbean descent, Rashaan Rori Allwood and Kathryn Patricia Cobbler, are set to dazzle audiences with their multi-media performance titled "Unyielding Roots." This powerful presentation of original compositions aims to reflect upon the complex experiences of the Caribbean immigrant and African diaspora within the context of North American colonial landscapes. Joy Bullen, the long-time creator behind Black History Month Music, designed this event to showcase young Black Canadian musicians breaking stereotypes and making history. Since 2015, the initiative has been a platform for artists excelling in areas where Black voices have often been silenced. "Unyielding Roots" will be performed in Halifax, Ottawa, and Toronto, in collaboration with cultural and not-for-profit organizations acro...


  THEA JACKSON TAKES CARNIVAL COSTUMES TO ATLANTA Yesterday, it was a sunny 17 degrees Celsius in Atlanta, Georgia, while Toronto experienced wet and snowy conditions with a temperature of minus 4 degrees. No wonder Toronto’s international costume designer, Thea Jackson, has Georgia on her mind these days. Jackson has recently returned from the Atlanta “Bandlaunch,” where she showcased her latest mas costume designs to revelers planning to participate in this spring’s Atlanta Caribbean Carnival. The annual event is scheduled during the city’s Memorial Day May 27th Weekend. In front of a full house in Atlanta, her designs were displayed to an enthusiastic crowd. Her show reflected pure Toronto style, featuring beautiful costumes, models, and Soca music. Jackson designs for the city’s Madd Colors Carnival Mas Band. “2024 is a special year for the band,” she shared with The Caribbean Camera. “Madd Colors Carnival is celebrating 15 years with their theme ‘Chrysalis,’ and the section I...


That Look Of Love Has Ice-Cubes Does Brandon Randolph know something we don’t? In an interview this week with me, prior to his upcoming performance with the famed Mark Morris Dance Group this Friday night at the downtown Meridian Theatre, he expressed a slight concern about our weather! Brandon Randolph ( ABOVE ) has a place on St. Croix Island in the Virgin Islands that he just visited, and after reading the weather reports on what is happening in New York State and Toronto, he is wishing he might have stayed a little longer! "You are getting us fresh and eager to dance. Toronto is the first performance of our new tour," Randolph told the Camera. "We have been in Toronto twice before, and we are looking forward to this visit, except for one thing — what is happening with your freezing weather?" He says he likes the Caribbean feel to the city (when it is warm) and fans should give him a wave and a clap when they see him on stage – “you won’t have trouble picking me ...


TOP CARNIVAL AND SOCA SONGS IN 2023 The 10 Best Songs of 2023: We ask the paper’s FRIENDS to Picks 'Em It is a tradition that almost all newspapers follow when one year ends and another begins. What were the best songs of the year just ended? Some list the 10 best, others shoot for 100. With hip-hop no longer dominating the music world, drawing up the list isn’t as easy as it looks. Of course, there are big names that continue to churn out the road marches, but it is the 'where did they come from' that makes it all fun. This tone-deaf writer is the last person who should put together anything related to new music. So for this year's article, I have done it differently. I have looked at the songs that I heard on the Lakeshore and at the launches and the fetes, and what was happening at carnival events in the Caribbean and the UK. Then, I went to the experts to see what they thought of 2023, and of course, we went with them." It is a tradition that almost all newspa...


The Prince of Soca Takes Over Flow 98.7 ( my article in this week's Caribbean Camera ) In a blockbuster announcement, Dr. Jay, Canada's renowned Soca DJ, has revealed his return to live radio with his signature show, SocaTherapy airing on Flow 98.7 FM. Mark your calendars for Sunday, January 14th, from 6-9 pm, as Dr. Jay brings back the beats and vibes that make him the Prince of Soca. While his radio roots trace back to 2001 when he started at Flow FM, Dr. Jay is returning to a different Flow this time. The radio landscape in the city has evolved, and he will now be on what was formerly known as G-98.7, a station founded by the late Fitzroy Gordon. The new owners acquired the naming rights to Flow, the first Black radio station launched by Denham Jolly back in 2001. This Flow from Flow to the new Flow marking a unique twist in Dr. Jay's radio journey. Having spent a decade at the original FLOW, Dr. Jay reminisces about his radio experiences, including stints at G-98.7 and...


 New Good Luck tradition  from  Toronto's Demi-Monde Always thought that if you can get a TTC transfer at 1 second after midnight on January 1st you will be blessed with good luck in the new year. Put it to the test. Bundled up at 11.45 on the last night of 2023 and walked down to the Eglinton subway station at Yonge St. Got there with a coupla minutes to spare. Just me, a female busker playing an electric piano and any song I wanted to hear and a couple of TTC employees. I stood by the transfer machine and took this picture of me pressing the transfer machine at year's end, and here is the lucky transfer I got a second later a second into 2024. One TTC employee clapped and banged fists with me. Got home and checked a lottery ticket my wife had got me for Xmas. Won $50 so obviously I was right about the first transfer luck power. Still have two unused transfers on my desk. Don't ask, they aren't for sale.


My Story in Thursday's first print edition in 2024 ( my first story in the Caribbean Camera this year ) New Ontario Lieutenant Governor Edith Dumont got it right the first time. On New Year's Day, she announced 25 new appointments to the Order of Ontario for 2023. In her first list since taking the job in early November, she has shone a spotlight on people who have made exceptional contributions to help build a stronger province, nation, and world. Four members of Toronto’s Black and Caribbean communities are among the 25 new appointments to the Order of Ontario, the province's highest honour. Lieutenant Governor Edith Dumont recognized Geran Fearon, Dwayne Morgan, Hazelle Palmer, and Florence Ngenzebuhoro, who have earned the province's highest civilian honour for their extraordinary contributions. Gervan Fearon Members are invested with the Order’s insignia. Appointees are given the post-nominal letters, also called post-nominal initials or post-nominal titles (lette...


  Going With The Flow. Neeti Ray's CINA Radio Group Eyes Acquisition of Bell Media's AM Stations in Windsor and Hamilton In a significant development for the Canadian radio landscape, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has announced a pending application by Neeti P. Ray's CINA Radio Group to acquire three AM stations from Bell Media. The stations in question are CHAM and CKOC in Hamilton and CKWW in Windsor, for the bargain basement total price of $445,000. The CRTC disclosed the application on November 16, 2023, stating that CINA Radio Group, led by Neeti P. Ray, aims to continue operating the stations under the same terms and conditions as the existing licenses. CINA Radio Group already owns several stations across central Canada, including FLOW in Toronto. The application is scheduled for final consideration in early 2024. Bell Media had previously expressed its intention to sell the three AM stations in Hamilton and Windsor back in Ju...