One of CHUM-fm radio’s only Black voices has left his morning spot By Stephen Weir It is morning. You get into your car and turn on your radio for the latest traffic, weather, and your favorite tunes. But wait, something is wrong. That isn’t Jamar McNeil talking in your ear—the main man on Toronto’s leading morning station, CHUM-FM, isn’t there anymore. When listening to Toronto radio stations, when a voice suddenly goes missing, it often means that the host has been given the boot. Fired. No one retires. But that is not the case with the ever-popular Jamar. After six years of being the co-host of the Marilyn Denis and Jamar morning show, he has been moved to the afternoon shift where he is now the co-host with Josie Dye. Josie Dye (pictured at right) According to the Toronto Mike’d podcast, (which follows the comings and goings of Toronto radio hosts), Jamar was moved to the afternoon to replace Meredith Shaw “after Shaw's move to become a host on Breakfast Television on CITY-TV...